Friday, February 27, 2009

Benefit Show THIS Saturday

I hope that everyone involved with the Rusted Chain in any way (if you are in town) comes out to the show I booked on Saturday. It would be a real shame if I set up this event and it isn't somewhat legitimate - ie; just me and a donation bucket. More importantly, if anyone who can speak with bit more eloquence about our goals and what we are going to be doing, that would be extremely helpful. I don't think I am a good enough spokesperson. Anyway, if you can RSVP in some way, please do.

Here are the details:

I don'​t have a fancy​ flyer​ or anyth​ing
but Satur​day night​ - THIS satur​day,​ the 28th,​ we will be hosti​ng a benef​it show,​ for the Ruste​d Chain​ Bike Co-​Op we'​re start​ing up in Orlan​do,​ at Stard​ust (http:​/​/​www.​ myspa​ce.​ com/​stard​ustvi​deoan​dcoff​ee)
We will be kindl​y accep​ting sugge​sted donat​ions of 5 dolla​rs,​ and I promi​se it will be worth​ it!

1991 (​kevin​ = here + dylan​ = live video​ feed from seatt​le)​
http:​/​/​www.​myspa​ce.​ com/​thisi​s1991​

hahah​elp!​ (​Miami​)​
http:​/​/​www.​myspa​ce.​ com/​hahah​elp

Perma​nent Nap
(Me + Kevin)

Clown​ Car Commu​te (St. Augus​tine)​
http:​/​/​www.​myspa​ce.​ com/​clown​carco​mmute​

The Co-​Op is very impor​tant to me, perso​nally​,​ and our commu​nity,​ and raisi​ng money​ is impor​tant for getti​ng it start​ed as soon as possi​ble.​ All of these​ bands​ rule,​ and if you compl​ain that there​ is nothi​ng to do in Orlan​do and you don'​t come to this,​ then there​ is your probl​em.​

Also on Sunda​y at 4, we'​ll be meeti​ng for Fun Ride this month​ at Lake Highl​and Park,​ at Lake Highl​and and Terra​ce.​

Be there​ at 9, that'​s when it start​s!​

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Race planning/meeting with julie

"Is anyone available tomorrow, Thursday, to start planning the route, get some other stuff hammered out, and possibly meet with julie of dandelion? I was thinking mid day, but after the lunch rush....2ish?


Time: 2:00pm
Location: Dandelion

Got a call from Pat at hoops

She wants to know if we still would like to set up a show, in the near future, at their establishment. Any thoughts on this?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Volunteer Opportunity Wednesdays

Last night we reached consensus that the co-op would have a presence at the Audubon Park Community Market at Stardust on Wednesday nights. I currently do tune-ups and very basic repairs for tips, which could be transitioned into donations for the co-op. I'd like to get a display and some literature out there next Wednesday if possible, and would really like some other members to come out and volunteer their time and know-how on coming Wednesdays. It's a relaxed environment and the organizer has nothing but good intentions. There are already tools and a stand, so all you would need to bring is yourself. The first few Wednesdays I could hang out and make sure everyone feels comfortable before leaving you on your own.

If you are interested in designing the display and/or volunteering please contact me: I'm also happy to give how-to tutorials to those that feel like they could use it.

P.S. I got called into work this Wednesday, the 25th, so I won't be there until the next one on the 4th.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Meeting Monday.

Ethos at 6:00pm.
Critical Mass is this Friday, it's our time to shine and spread the gospel.......ah i meant the word.....what I'm trying to say is that we need to talk to the bike community about the rusted chain bike collective and how it can be beneficial to all of us.

Agenda so far:
-report backs (show, alleycat)
-literature for CM
-Fun Ride
-bike hunx

Friday, February 20, 2009


There's a meeting today with Pastor Alan from First United Church of Christ. It's at the church of which a building on the property is a proposed spot for the coop. The meeting is at 7 pm. Please make it especially if you have reservations/questions about utilizing what this church has offered. I will not be able to make it due to an inconvenient change in my schedule. Bring your thoughts! The address is below.

View Larger Map

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

April Fools' Alleycat

Mark your calendars for the April Fools' Alleycat on April 4th.

All the proceeds will be going to the Rusted Chain Bike Collective and East Orlando Food Not Bombs.

Logo Submissions

Julius agreed on making us a logo but would like some ideas. Why not open this to the general public? So if you have an idea of what our logo should look like post it in the comments!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Meeting Announcements!

Tomorrow - Ethos - Noon
Spoker Run Sponsorship Meeting

Friday - F.U.C.C. - 7PM
Meeting with Alan Clapsaddle

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Monday Meeting!

It's that time again. Meeting this Monday at 6:00pm at Ethos.

Agenda so far:
-report backs (show at hoops, alleycat, capture the flag, etc.)
-bike hunx

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Riseup List Activated!

Hey the riseup mailing list was finally activated. I'm going to add in all the people on the "mailing list" - if you'd like to get on the list and haven't gotten any previous emails - leave me yr email and i'll put it on there..


Alan from FUCC has informed me he has a mountain of bikes to donate.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


hey just thought id let yall know my brother is sending a bunch of goodies for the rusted chain

Monday, February 9, 2009

Weekly Meeting Today!

We will be meeting today at 6:00pm @ Ethos for our weekly meeting. There's a lot to discuss, so try extra hard to make it to this one.


Friday, February 6, 2009

What: Meeting!

When: 7 PM
Where: First United Church of Christ, 4605 Curry Ford Rd., Orlando , FL
Why: To discuss the use of a building there for the co-op
Who: Whomever!
Walrus: They're cool!


Monday, February 2, 2009


your way on over to Ethos for a meeting at 6 PM TODAY!