Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We need a table and a tent!!

The table and tent we are currently using belongs to Nicole's parents and signs of damage is starting to show. So as a collective we need to have our own supplies.

So if you know anyone with a table or a tent who wouldn't mind donating it to the collective or even selling it for a discount then let us know please!


  1. Do you need them for the May 2 Earth Day event? Florida Bicycle Association may be able to lend you a tent and table (I'm waiting on a call back from our director) if you'd be willing to hand out some FBA materials.

  2. We need them for our general use, but especially for earth day (since we'll need more than one table). I don't see why we can't have FBA materials at our booth.

  3. FBA is awesome, I fully support putting their materials out. I carry my book of bike laws in my bag at all times.

  4. Unfortunately FBA's tent is already reserved for that day, but we have a table you can borrow. How do I get it to you?

  5. We will talk about it this sunday, and then contact you through email. Thanks!
